Kirsten Prout is best known as Abby Miller, the young teenage ninja and sidekick to Elektra Natchios in Elektra (2005), the spin-off to 2003's smash hit Daredevil (2003). However, the young Canadian actress expressed an interest in acting as a toddler and was demanding to try it by the tender age of four. At the age of nine, her parents caved in to her requests in hopes of getting the acting bug out of her system. However, it went from an interest to a major passion, and in just a few short years, Kirsten has built up an impressive resume in both film and television.Prior to her starring role in Elektra (2005), she completed a role in _Love Crimes of Gillian Guess, The (2004)_ and filmed guest stints on "Cold Squad" (1998) and "Stargate SG-1" (1997). Her other credits include roles in Once Upon a Christmas (2000), _Twice Upon a Christmas (2001)_ , Mindstorm (2001) and _Wedding Dress, The (2001)_ , as well as guest roles on "First Wave" (1998), "Mysterious Ways" (2000) and "Jeremiah" (2002) .When not performing, Kirsten stays busy with Tae Kwan Do and track and field. She loves to sketch, write, and just hang out with her friends.