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Actresses who appeared
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Elodie Bouchez Biography and Filmography |

is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in)
for Elodie Bouchez.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. |
Biography |
Filmography |
Héros |
(2007) |
Ma place au soleil |
(2006) | [ Valeria Golino ] |
Maternal Instinct |
(2006) | [ Lena Olin ] |
The Horizon |
(2005) | [ Lena Olin ] |
Fait Accompli |
(2005) |
Out of the Box |
(2005) |
Sorry, Haters |
(2005) | [ Robin Wright ][ Sandra Oh ] |
Brice de Nice |
(2005) |
Shooting Vegetarians |
(2005) | [ Reiko Aylesworth ][ Didi Conn ][ Brooke Smith ] |
Toi, vieux |
(2004) | [ Amira Casar ] |
America Brown |
(2004) | [ Natasha Lyonne ][ Karen Black ] |
À quoi ça sert de voter écolo? |
(2004) | [ Marie Riva ] |
Stormy Weather |
(2003) |
Pacte du silence, Le |
(2003) | [ Estelle Larrivaz ] |
Merveilleuse odyssée de l'idiot Toboggan, La |
(2002) | [ Charlotte Gainsbourg ][ Marianne Denicourt ] |
Dreams of Trespass |
(2002) | [ Amina ][ France Zobda ] |
Guerre à Paris, La |
(2002) | [ Geno Lechner ] |
Being Light |
(2001) |
Petit poucet, Le |
(2001) | [ Catherine Denueve ][ Romane Bohringer ] |
CQ |
(2001) | [ Sophia Coppola ][ Angela Lindvall ][ Stephanie Gesnel ] |
Too Much Flesh |
(2000) | [ Rosanna Arquette ] |
Faute à Voltaire, La |
(2000) | [ Aure Atika ][ Carole Franck ] |
The Beat Nicks |
(2000) |
Premières neiges |
(1999) | [ Aure Atika ] |
Lovers |
(1999) | [ Lori Petty ] |
Meurtre d'une petite grue |
(1999) |
Je veux descendre |
(1998) |
Kidnappeurs, Les |
(1998) | [ Helene Fillieres ] |
Louise (Take 2) |
(1998) |
J'aimerais pas crever un dimanche |
(1998) | [ Florence Darel ] |
Zonzon |
(1998) | [ Fabienne Babe ] |
Vie rêvée des anges, La |
(1998) | [ Natacha Regnier ] |
Flammen im Paradies |
(1997) | [ Sylvie Testud ] |
Ciel est à nous, Le |
(1997) | [ Leonor Varela ][ Romane Bohringer ] |
Divine poursuite, La |
(1997) | [ Emmanuelle Seigner ][ Helene De-Fougerolles ][ Laure Marsac ][ Laurence Lerel ][ Laurence Masliah ] |
Fantômes du samedi soir, Les |
(1997) |
C'est Noël déjà |
(1997) |
The Proprietor |
(1996) | [ Sean Young ][ Jeanne Moreau ][ Charlotte De-Turkheim ][ Carole Franck ] |
À toute vitesse |
(1996) |
Clubbed to Death (Lola) |
(1996) | [ Beatrice Dalle ] |
Mademoiselle Personne |
(1996) |
Plus bel âge..., Le |
(1995) | [ Sylvie Testud ][ Sophie Aubry ][ Estelle Larrivaz ] |
3000 scénarios contre un virus |
(1994) | [ Chiara Mastroianni ][ Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi ][ Amira Casar ][ Mathilde Seigner ][ Marianne Denicourt ] |
Roseaux sauvages, Les |
(1994) |
Péril jeune, Le |
(1994) | [ Janis Joplin ][ Helene De-Fougerolles ] |
Brouches, Les |
(1994) |
Mots de l'amour, Les |
(1994) |
Lettre inachevée, La |
(1993) | [ Delphine Zentout ] |
Cahier volé, Le |
(1993) | [ Regine Deforges ] |
Tango |
(1993) | [ Carole Bouquet ][ Judith Godreche ][ Miou Miou ][ Michelle Laroque ] |
Tous les garçons |
(1992) | [ Sarah Bertrand ] |
Stan the Flasher |
(1990) | |
Trivia |
- Has bought a house in Beverly Hills
- Had her first child, a son, Tarrajay, with boyfriend Thomas Bangalter (from band Daft Punk) [22 January 2002]
- German was her first foreign language at high school
- Songwriter David Mead wrote his song "Elodie" about her