Barbara Chavy
Below is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Barbara Chavy. If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.

Movie Credits
Imposture (2005)
[ Isabelle Renauld ]
Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinités... (2004)
[ Christiane Bopp ][ Marie Josee Croze ][ Marie-Josée Croze ]
Dirlo: Lucie, Le (2003)
Sexes très opposés (2002)
[ Isabelle Alexis ][ Charlotte De-Turkheim ][ Stefanie Lagarde ][ Elisa Touati ]
Deux femmes à Paris (2000)
[ Romane Bohringer ][ Geno Lechner ]
Du lundi au vendredi (2000)
À cause d'Olivia... (1999)
[ Isabelle Alexis ]
Où tu vas (1997)
[ Estelle Larrivaz ][ Karine Viard ]
Comment je me suis disputé... (ma vie sexuelle) (1996)
[ Marion Cotillard ][ Marianne Denicourt ][ Emmanuelle Devos ][ Chiara Mastroianni ]
Comme hier (1994)


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